
Chemical Industry Strategies For The Coming Decade

The start of a new year is a good time to think about Chemical industry strategies for the new decade. Just a very quick look back at the 'noughties' will tell us that we are set for a decade of significant upheaval for the industry.

The last decade saw huge changes in the chemical industry. Several years of strong growth followed by a very painful recession. The emergence of new players in the industry and a steady shift of the manufacturing base from Europe and North America to the Middle East and Asia.

In thinking about what is to come, I'd like to highlight two excellent articles published in ICIS Chemical  Business

In his article 'Prepare for the Great Petchem Marathon', Paul Hodges focuses on the key issues that need to be tackled. Restructuring, Supply Chain, Technology, Commercial Strategies and Size and Scale are flagged as key issues for chemical companies. Paul suggests that the motto for the new decade could be 'Think About Tomorrow and Act Today'

In another excellent article 'Recession Prompts Shift in Chemical Strategies', Anna Jagger focuses on the societal 'Megatrends' that will provide major opportunities for flexible and innovative chemical companies. The article lists Renewables, Food, Energy Efficiency and Water as being key issues for the coming decade.

The new decade will bring significant change. There will be significant problems to deal with, there will be threats to the industry but there will also be major new opportunities. Excellent strategic planning, in-built flexibility and the ability and desire to innovate will be the key attributes of successful companies.

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