
Australia Invests in Carbon Capture and Use

photo : bp.blogspot.com

Sticking my my previous themes of Australia and environmental issues, I was interested to read that the Australian government has committed $40M to a project to capture CO2 and transform it into building materials.

The project is being run by the Calera Corporation, a company which specialises in this technology. Construction work is due to start construction this year and the facility will use carbon dioxide captured from TRUenergy's Yallourn power station.

Following the initial demonstration phase, Calera plans to capture more than 300,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide and convert it into more than 1 million tonnes of building material a year.

Calera believes that the solution is more financially attractive than any alternative carbon capture solution.

If the economics are sound, this has to be an excellent solution, with less uncertainty than carbon capture and storage. The world will undoubtedly continue to need high quanities of cement and if CO2 can be used a feedstock, rather than being released to the atmosphere as a perceived threat to climate, then this has to be a win-win solution to satisfy all parties.

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