As a manufacturer, it feels like I've blogged about site closures (and how to achieve succesful closure) too many times recently. Whilst site closure is necessary for operating companies and for the wider chemical industry, it's never a pleasant experience.
Another European petrochemical plant closure was announced yesterday, with Ineos NOVA announcing the closure of its Breda PS plant in the Netherlands. The plant, with a capacity of 90kT produces general purpose PS and some speciality PS. The plant employs 55 people.
Expandable polystyrene production will continue at the site, which also hosts a number of the administrative functions for Ineos NOVA.
I've talked about how to ensure successful site closure in previous posts (see 25th July blog entry for full details). One major factor in the overall closure cost is the current value of scrap metal. In late 2008, prices for mixed scrap peaked at 450 €/tonne but prices have since fallen back to 2005 levels and are currently around €180/tonne. As demolition contractors recycle everything that can be re-used, this reduced price has a big impact on the overall cost.
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